Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Having 3 days EDC and EFC classes for audit paper for last few days. this revision classes were combination of 2 groups (G3 and G4). i'm so glad that i am from G4 due to the attitudes of G3's students..
Group 4 ROXXXX!!

some of their behavior were so bad and weird eg:
  • shouted at lecturer because lecturer was too fast.
  • meowing when lecturer teaching.
  • sitting on the floor and doing their own works.
  • a fatty complaint that her ass was painful due to the long hours of sitting. (who cares)
  • the same fatty complaint when lecturer says no answering calls in class. (can you answer your call outside the class? that simple..lolz.)
they thought they're clever,
and acts like a nerd,
but actually seem like a FOOL!!

anyway, thanks Mr. Jay for the revision classes and may ALL G4's student pass the exam!! (quite hard to achieve this wish..lolz..but at least trying)


  1. YEAH group 4 rocks !!
    arhem ** we all sure pass the exam
    =) gambatte guys !

  2. hehee...should be and wish to be la..
    anyway, who are u?lolz

  3. name dont wan put , put the wat ai...i somemore tot is u(jo) be4 this..lolz
